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This is Our Youth

About the show:

The play takes place in Dennis Ziegler's apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in March 1982. Dennis's friend, Warren Straub, has just been kicked out of his house and stolen $15,000 from his abusive lingerie-tycoon father. Warren's resolve is tested for the first time in his life when he finds himself on the brink of being in serious trouble. Armed only with the ideas and techniques he has developed as a teenager, he finds that these methods are far less effectual than he could have ever imagined. His encounters with his friend, Dennis, and his crush, Jessica, only further prove that point as he takes several missteps on his path to save his own skin and get the girl.


A play that explores timeless issues of adolescence and maturity, as well as the Reagan Era in which it is set. Due to the “slice of life” nature of Kenneth Lonergan’s text, Sidecar Theatre has decided to bring the intimate nuances of this script to the forefront by staging our production in an actual house.This structure will provide an alley style performance venue; leaving the actors to play with-in a fully functioning set the size of a studio apartment. The actors will have a set long before tech week, allowing them to become fully immersed in their surroundings, and every subtle choice that they make will be easily viewable by an intimate audience.

Warren......................................................Paul LaNave
Dennis..................................................Richard Weber
Jessica.......................................................Molly Adams

Directed by: Kimberly Miller
Produced by: Meagan Kedrowski

Promotional Photography: Rachel Levy

Being performed at Newton House: 906 Newton Ave. N, Minneapolis, MN 55411

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